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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fuzzydash's Great book of stories- Story one: EPF mission

 As I was Sitting on the beachside, enjoying the sunset, My EPF phone began to ring. I Answered the phone, saying, "G? Is that you?? What's going on?!?!'' ''agent, Come to HQ now!! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!" G said. I teleported to HQ, and nobody was there.    

I was Caught in a net, and then I found myself on top of a VERY tall mountain.
For a second, I was confused. Then I saw a HUGE shaddow. IT WAS HERBERT!!
"HERBERT!!!" I said loudly. "Well, Well, WELL.. It is my Rival, Hmm?" Herbert said.
I struggled and shook, but finally I cut loose. As I put my handcuffs near herbert, He
pushed me off on my feet! Rolled toward the edge of the mountain. I screamed for help,
but it was no use. I held onto the edge of the mountain of hard as I could.
As my grip became looser and looser by the moment, I fell.

   Then, I found myself on the ground, with my glasses broken, my earpiece gone, and my suit was all ripped and tattered."where am
I?" I asked myself. I checked, and it looked like I was in the middle of
the Enchanted forest!! I walked around the forest, and found the old castle of princess penguin! I ghasped in amazement. So I walked up and I was surprised to find a book of some sort.

I Looked at it, and it seemed it was an old F.I.S.H book. I looked around in the pages, and found a bunch of secrets.

 As I was reading in peace, I heard footsteps. Then, I couldn't belive my eyes. It was princess penguin!! "What in the world are YOU doing here?" she said. She swiped the F.I.S.H   book and got onto her BIG water bed.
She told me that she was an EPF agent herself in the days of her childhood. She pushed me out of the door and said, "STAY OUT, STRANGER!!" She slammed the door in my face. Great. JUST GREAT. First, I get pushed by herbert, THEN, I get slammed in the face by the legendary princess penguin. "WHAT NEXT?!" I scream.

Then It rains. I go under a log, and I tent out in there for the night.

-To be continued.....

Did you like EPF mission part 1? Say what you think in the comments!


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Yo! I am fuzzydash and I love going on club penguin and meeting new friends. I hope you like the blog!!